Jul 25Liked by Ru

My relationship with difficult times tends to be to run or avoid all together. My all time favorite is to just sleep. Unhealthy I know, but I do I find help in my faith and my friends. I also tend to do better with a full schedule where I don’t have lots of time to dwell . The struggle is real but hopefully is survivable for all of us because we are worth it.

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My relationship with feelings in difficult times is...well, difficult. Was taught growing up that anger made people monsters and sadness made me weak, so I ended up suppressing both. What I've learned though is that all the suppression in the world isn't going to stop them from coming out, one way or another. Better to deal with them in the moment than to let them build into something bigger and more explosive.

Perhaps truly being bulletproof is being able to feel and process the emotions, as you've said, and move passed them instead of avoiding the feels 😊

Well said, very insightful as always. 👏

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Jul 25Liked by Ru

It is a balance of defeat and overcoming. Feelings can bring us down, steer us the wrong way or we can push through the negative stuff & come out on the other swinging with a non defeating attitude & optimism.

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Aug 23Liked by Ru


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Aug 20Liked by Ru

My anxiety level is always trying to bring me to my knees.. and so I have to try to be bulletproof so things won't bother me but it's hard to be bulletproof, life can take so much energy away from me. I just have to keep pushing forward and make life better for me.

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Aug 1Liked by Ru

I thought that I like my creative chaos before... Now I don't xD From xp, I function way better when I'm organized.

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Aug 1Liked by Ru

Yes! All the time. I’m working on improving my work/life balance. I’m a teacher and most days I’m stuck in chaos. Although I have a better handle on things than when I first started teaching.

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Jul 26Liked by Ru

I wanted to comment here but all my thoughts about my feelings and emotions when difficult times arise was all scattered in my head. I'm just gonna try to keep pressing forward and realize the things that bothers me will never leave me alone.. I love reading your weekly reads.. maybe if I keep reading them it might just help me someday..

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Jul 25Liked by Ru

I am in a constant battle with my feelings or emotions. Being Gen X I grew up being told not to express emotions to the point where expressing feelings could get me in trouble. I have to constantly remind myself self that it’s okay to express how I feel. When I try to bottle up my emotions, they end up exploding in the wrong way. I’ve made a lot of progress but there’s still a ways to go.

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I am so overwhelmed today there's probably 20 thousand things all of a sudden sounding me that I have to pick up or put aside throw out 1000 of them are clothes pieces of fabric(I buy by the yard) use for sheets blankets or for my 6 puppies to lay on instead of just on concrete the flood and been rain everyday since washer broke for 2 weeks now now I imagine you can gather reasons for my other posts today on other sites came from I'm overwhelmed today

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